

Get ready to carve out some fun this Halloween with a Jack-O'-Lantern that steals the show!

This premium balloon bouquet is designed with a radiant glow, tied with elegant satin ribbon, and styled by Post Worthy Events to elevate any celebration effortlessly. For ease, we offer Delivery in the Las Vegas area. Schedule your delivery for your future celebration today!


Bouquet Size


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Can I pick up my order in person?

At this time, we do not offer pickup. You can schedule delivery for drop off in Las Vegas, Henderson and Summerlin.

Do you offer expedited delivery?

Deliveries have to be scheduled 24 hours prior to delivery time. Please reach out at the link Contact. In the message, start with the following: "URGENT DELIVERY REQUEST" The ability to accommodate will be based on current business volume.

How long will my Helium Bouquet last?

If stored properly indoors, your balloon garland can remain “Post Worthy” and stay inflated for up to three weeks! You can expect a minimum of one week inflated in the right environment. 

What vehicle do I need to transport my Helium Bouquets & Garlands?

We recommend using a full-size SUV with the seats folded down to transport your Helium Bouquets & Garlands. We cannot guarantee that the garland will fit in smaller vehicles.
